Friday, August 28, 2009

New Links and Information for Students and Parents

Good afternoon,

The end of the first week of school is here. I know that there have been some challenges in several areas, the most challenging obviously being our traffic.

Just so you are aware, there are several things happening soon regarding the consideration of the traffic flow. I know that sounds very generic, and I agree, but I do not know all the details of the plans. I want to make sure that you know we are working.

If you have any input please email me or comment on this post. My email is I will try to answer you and I will forward your thoughts to the appropriate persons and departments.

I have added six new links on this blog on the right under "Links Under the Badge". I received these links in a drug recognition class that I attended in August. There is alot of helpful information for students and parents regarding different types of drugs and drug abuse. Specifically prescription drug info and pill identifier will be helpful to parents if you need to identify a pill. Feel free to explore the links and call me if you need anything. My number is (817) 949-5601.

Also the link for Rachel's challenge is a valuable tool for you to know what your students are already hearing here at Carroll High School about creating an environment where all kids can help to "start a chain reaction". Please take the time to check out Rachel's Challenge and watch the video.

Thanks for helping to make CHS the best environment for learning.

SRO Allen Smith

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