Thursday, April 2, 2009

April S.P.A.R.K. meeting date announced

Hold the date for our April Meeting, Tuesday April 28th at 7pm in Town Hall ( 3rd floor)

The Gordie Foundation will present "HAZE" Please see

Gordie Bailey was 18, a freshman at the University of Colorado. He was a star athlete in High School who had just made the Lacrosse team at the University of Colorado. Gordie died of alcohol poisoning during a fraternity hazing ceremony .

Teach your teens the skills to navigate the dangers of alcohol, binge drinking, peer pressure and hazing.

Check out more links

I had the pleasure of answering a few questions at last months S.P.A.R.K. meeting. Thanks to all of those who showed up and heard the story of Jane Nauman. Jane is obviously blessed with an opportunity to help people through the trials that she has gone through as a parent.

I also got to meet Christie Houtman with Southlake Moms and she will be listing this blog page soon on her website. Check the links and go over to and look around. There you will have the ability to get connected with other Southlake parents and share information. Christie also will be getting information out about S.P.A.R.K.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve.